Friday, October 21, 2011

Shopping on your cell phone?

So going along with chapter 2 in the Principle of Art and Design book, I want to touch on brand extension. So brands are trying to extend themselves in to different relms in order to get more revendue and build up a consumer following or loyalty. So like Timberland started off with just hiking boots, but then they created work footwear, to reach more people. So kind of like that, Vogue has their store in malls and whatnot, and then they have their online store, and now they have created a cell phone app called Vogue Stylist, and it helps people put looks together using the Vogue clothes. On all of these things there is the ability to purchase things, what a great way to extend a brand to reach more people in this technological age we are in.

But based on this recent article I read online on mobile shopping isn't really working. Here's the citation:
Gibson, Ellen. "Stores Not Connecting   with Shoppers on Mobile - Business -   Retail -" -   Breaking News, Science and Tech   News, World News, US News, Local   News- Web. 2 Oct. 2011.   <  8674/ns/business-retail/>.
So for some reason, my font has changed to this pink and it keeps indenting randomly and it won't let me change it back. Let me just say technology isn't perfect, and actually it's quite annoying sometimes.
Okay so I have no idea what I did, but now it is back to normal. Anyway, this article states that people don't like buying things on mobile screens, like iphones, because the screen is too small to see the product clearly, and they don't believe that their credit card information is safe. I can understand that, because I don't like entering my personal information on tiny screens as well. It makes me feel like my identity can be stolen more easily. So I thought that article was interesting, that's basically all it said but if you want to, check it out sometime.

Vivre la mode, tout le monde!

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