Hi everyone! I'm excited that people commented on my blog :) I really have no idea what I'm doing on here. I literally spent 45 minutes trying to figure out how to comment on y'alls comments. Technology isn't really my thing. But fashion is :) Unfortunately, my class that this was for is over, but I still want to keep up with this. It's fun :) so I'm going to talk about the things people wear these days, what styles are walking the college campus, and whatnot. Christmas break is coming up so I'm excited to see what people will be wearing out to go shopping. I guarantee you there will be that lady that wears stilletos and a mini skirt to Ross, and a lady in gross sweatpants to Neiman Marcus. People make me laugh.
So something I've seen walking the "college runway" that I absolutely DON'T understand is short shorts and boots. Any kind of boots. Oh also short dresses and cowboy boots (this could be just a Texas thing). Alright... Anything with boots that aren't pants I dont understand at all. I really don't. You know that's making you look significantly shorter right? It's chopping your leg off in thirds, making you look at least half a foot shorter. And Uggs in the summer... random thought but... don't your feet get hot? I dunno, none of these are my thing. If they are yours, that's great, everyone is different. I personally just dont get it. My thing is pants with boots, jeans with boots, and maybe a dress with boots and tights. It depends. I'll find some pictures of good looks and bad ones- because i love putting pictures in this thing! So fun :) so here it goes: a how to wear boots 101.
Shorts and boots

Bad. Okay, I see how colleges got this look. So its kinda an awkward temperature out right, and you don't really want to wear sandals, or wear a jacket, but you still want to look cute right? Wear boots! Maybe I understand a little. Tip #1 though, if you don't like your thighs, don't do this look. Obviously this is emphasizing Audrina Patridge's in a bad way, and if i was her I wouldn't like it one bit. She looks cute though, from the knees up. And the boots are cute don't get me wrong, just by themselves. It looks like she is confused on her seasons or got dressed in the dark that morning. Also, notice how she looks shorter! Bad for me, 5 foot 4 inches; I need to look as tall as possible. But you tall girls out there, if this works for you, work it. If it doesn't work for you, maybe it's best for you to wear it around the house only.

Bad. Example number 2. Britney Spears. Emphasizing thighs in a bad way and MAKES HER LOOK SHORT.

Super bad. Vanessa Hudgens, what are you wearing? Ah! Nobody copy this look... ever. She has her shirt tucked into her shorts, which you can barely see due to the light color, and omg this look is so bad. The boots are so random for one thing, and brown which matches nothing in that look anywhere, and are too big, and the shorts look too tight for another thing. Again, doing this WILL make you look shorter and inevitably make your thighs look huge in comparison.

Good. If you put tights under those shorts (not skin tight ones either, we don't want any sausages for legs) it makes the look very trendy. Also, cute for both fall and a cold night during the summer. You could also most likely get away with something like this in the office.
Next topic! Short dresses and boots

Bad. Although, let me just say I LOVE Taylor Swift. She's awesome, and her music is so relateable. That aside, Taylor, this looks silly. I'm sorry, it just does. Point one, it makes her legs look like stumps. They are chopping them into thirds, and that little bit of leg right in the middle between the dress and boots just looks super random. And slightly goofy. I love her dress in the pic on the left, super cute, just with different shoes please. Yes, I get that it is her trademark. I just hope she knows her trademark makes her look short and slightly silly. The heavy boots also don't contrast well with the flowy material and spring colors of the dresses.

Bad. This just looks stupid. The dress is cute! But not with those shoes! This. Makes. You. Look. Like. You. Have. Stumps. For. Legs. I have to let y'all know this so you don't end up embarrassing yourself later.

Very very bad. Oh my gosh. For one, that dress is waaaay too tight. Also, never wear boots with a dress like this. I think i've stated the reasons plenty of times. Well... on the positive... a perk of actually wearing a look like this is if you haven't shaved below your knees in weeks and it's embarrasing, it's a good way to cover it up. Just trying to think of a reason of actually wearing this out of the house. If you read this warning and still go out like this picture and STILL get made fun of... I might have to laugh. Not pertaining to the boots, do you notice she has a gray cotton tank top under that strapless dress?? So many things wrong with this picture....
I'll show you a good way to rock this look now!

Good. Tights! They're helpful! They're trendy! They lengthen your legs! Only when the color of the tights and boots match though. <- keep that in mind. Look how long her legs are! See? I'm not entirely crazy.

Good! I know this isn't a dress, but I thought I'd include a picture of how to properly wear cowboy boots. With pants. Hint hint, pants. Carrie Underwood, love her, she knows how to rock her boots. Also, look how long her legs look. Just saying.

Good! I love this look, it makes her look taller, it accentuates her waist with the belt, that also gives her a pop of color, and I love the sunglasses.
I hope this helps everyone wear their boots correctly :)
And trust me, I know this is super corny, but I like it and it makes me feel cool :) Vivre la mode, tout le monde! :D