Friday, May 1, 2015

Naples, Capri, Sorrento, Oh my!


I'll try to do this as quick as possible  :) Another travel weekend, woohoo! April 24-26

-We took a high speed train to Naples, and we spent the night there. They took us to dinner, and then we went to sleep. Naples it turned out I didn't really like, it was rather on the sketchy side, more dingy, more impoverished, smelled kind of weird and it wasn't as pretty as other cities I visited. I also didn't feel as safe there. I had heard the south of italy is a little more sketchy, *so if you ever go*, just be very aware of pickpockets and people trying to sell you stuff. Don't stay out too late at night either.

-The next day we did Capri, in which we took a boat out there since it is an island. And then we had free time in which we went to the Blue Grotto, one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. So cool! The sand is so white and the water is so clear that when sunlight comes into the little opening into the grotto, reflects it, and illuminates the water from underneath. We took a funicular to the top of the island- incredible view! Capri is GORGEOUS with beautiful shops (most were expensive but so pretty to look at), cute restaurants (food was amazing), and we passed by people's private little villas which looked heavenly. I'd definitely go back.

-Later in the day was Sorrento, which is home to tons of lemon groves, from which they make the famous limoncello (which is gross, I did not like it and trust me, even getting it in the place where it's supposedly the best didn't help). It always looks pretty but it's waaaaay too strong. and grody. We walked around, and it was a very cute little town with adorable little shops. Lemon themed everything and it was so cute. I had limoncello and tiramisu gelato (I know I just said I hate limoncello) but when its inside gelato you can't taste the alcohol. This combo was probably some of the best gelato I ever tasted! Tasted like chocolate and lemon cake kissed by angels.

-We did a walking tour of Naples the last day and although we went to the nicer section, it was still slightly sketchy. We took a funicular to the top of the city and visited some monasteries and churches. Stopped for lunch at a local pizza place- I have to say, some of the best pizza I've ever had. In naples they invented the margherita pizza so we ordered that-- so tasty.

All in all, a good weekend :) I never thought I would go to Capri! That's where rich and famous people go! Definitely one to check off the bucket list.

Ciao xoxo

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