Thursday, June 13, 2013

"Say 'Yes to Body Confidence'"

Hey y'all,

I saw this on the internet a few weeks ago and I just thought it really resonated with another post I did a while back about the dark side of the fashion industry. I really liked what this article had to say, and so please please please visit the link, read it, tell your friends, tell young women and even young girls. I feel this is very important to tell women and even men too, because so many of us have self confidence issues. The title in purple is a hyperlink and I have the actual link typed at the bottom as well. Be sure to click on the second page of the article (I almost missed it lol).

I just wanted to quote some things from the article and just kind of talk about some things. So here are some quotes I found interesting first:

"'Ditch the super skinnies'? That seems ironic to me. If encouraging the modeling industry to use curvier models is about giving a more unbiased representation of what women look like, then why would we need to “ditch” anyone? Why can’t all women’s bodies be appreciated?"

"We are all ‘real women’."

"Another branch of this crazy faux-motivation is ‘Fitspriration’... It appears to be another way of telling women that if you haven’t got a washboard stomach you’re a failure. I don’t buy it."

"Can we look beyond weight and shape? Love each other, applaud each other and stop judging each other? It creates such division when we hate on each other. Most people I know either hate their own bodies and wish they were skinnier/more toned/more curvy, or spend time judging other people for being a certain way. When someone is happy with their own body, they usually don’t feel the need to belittle someone else’s. It’s usually insecurity that leads people to point out the supposed ‘flaws’ in another person."

"Rather than saying “No to Size Zero”, I’m just going to say “Yes To Body Confidence” and “Yes To Health”."

     And now, here are my thoughts. I always thought that if someone would take a stand against the skinny models, that everything would be okay. I thought that skinny models were why the fashion industry is so vapid and superficial. But it's not them, it's us. The truth is, we judge everything. Especially when it is not our place to. It's just human nature I guess, sad but true. And for those of us that struggle with body confidence issues, it's even worse. If you struggle with body confidence, you're not alone. I struggle with it too, but now that I've read this article, I am definitely saying yes to body confidence and yes to health.

     This article definitely opened my eyes at every size being discriminated against in one form or fashion, instead of just the thin ones or just the curvy ones. In this day and age, it is hard to see past the superficial beauty that society forces us to see, and think it's okay to judge others when they don't look like the typical definition of beauty. Why do we have to judge each other? Why do we see the flaws in ourselves? Why do we have to hate each other just by the size of our waists? I don't have the answer to that. Maybe there will never be an answer. But I do know, that it starts with ourselves. If we don't love ourselves, how can we love others? We are all human beings, and we are all beautiful in God's eyes. Jesus loves us no matter what, and I know that I need to try harder to love others like that; because everyone deserves love. :) it'll be hard for sure, for we are going against the societal norm, but I hope one day that there will be less hate in the world.

     Here's something to brighten your day :) in case you haven't seen it yet, here's another one of the Dove Real Beauty campaigns. I love this so much :) we are all beautiful, and we don't even know it! That is the scary thing, the sad thing even. I am so HAPPY Dove has started this real beauty campaign, because I think now more than ever, everyone needs to be told they're beautiful, or handsome, because men have confidence issues too. So please pass this on, or at least tell someone they're beautiful today and every day! I'm not even sure if anyone reads my blog posts, but if you do, I pray this makes you feel beautiful and gives you the strength to pass it on. This is me giving you a hug! *hug* :)

Vous ĂȘtes belle/ beau!!!! (You are beautiful!!!!)
And as always, vivre la mode, tout le monde!